29/08/2023, TuesdayDeuteronomy 8

Hear and obey!

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 8


Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. -Deuteronomy 6:4-5

This was the command that Israel was to be careful to do and to keep (verses 1, 6, 11). It was not just hearing the command, but they are to put them into action, to “do”, and to demonstrate the obedience in behaviour. 

Moses reiterated their desert experience and reminded them that even though they had not trusted Yahweh, yet Yahweh led them through the forty years in the wilderness. And now, if they were to be careful to do the commandment that God had given to them, they would be able to see the fruition of God’s goal for them, which is to live and multiply, in the to possess the land that the Lord had sworn to give to their fathers and their descendants. 

Yahweh’s leading of the Israelites during the forty years were clear, He humbled them, caused them to hunger and fed them manna. But those of the previous generation did not obey, and all died in the desert. When men could not, God could – the manna was there on the ground every morning, their clothing never wear out, and their feet did not swell despite all the walking. Although the Israelites were disobedient, God kept them led them through. 

What shall the Israelites have done then? Moses said that as they know what God has done, that they shall then “keep” the commandments, “ they shall “eat”, they shall “be full”, and they shall “bless” the Lord. When the Lord provides and prospers and bless them, instead of forgetting what He had done, they shall remember the Lord. They shall give thanks and praise the Lord, they shall remember the Lord, they shall know that it was He who gave the power to prosper, and they shall remember that this was God’s way to confirm the covenant He had made. God remembers and is faithful, He remembers the covenant He had made. 

Therefore, hear, and obey the voice of the Lord your God (v20). 

Likewise, are we obedient to the will of God to love God and to love others as we will ourselves? Or have we been preoccupied with the physical well-being of our lives, and forgot about our spiritual lives? Have we forgotten to give thanks to God for all that He had given us and for all our accomplishments? Have we become proud and self-sufficient? What has become our idols? It is a downward spiral when we forget God (verses 2, 11), because it leads to a lack of gratitude (verses 12-16), which leads to self-sufficiency (verse 17) and eventually idolatry (verse 19). Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, will you give praise to God for ALL the blessings in your life – the big accomplishments and the mundane accomplishments? 

The Lord has spoken, His command is clear – love God, love man. You have heard Him. The question is, will you obey Him and be careful to put them into action (behaviour) in the place you are in? Give praise and thanks today, for the many blessings He has given you. Show love to a person beside you. Bring the gospel to those who have yet to hear of the good news. Obey your God.

Prayer: Dear Father, You are my God. Your command is clear, to love You and to love others around me. I hear You, Father, help me to obey You and to love You. Expand my heart to love my family, my friends, and others around me as You have loved me. I praise Your name, and know that You are good. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 

Great Job!You're right on track.