18/02/2025, TuesdayJob 1 : 1 - 12

Godliness is a Choice

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch1


In verses 1-5 – A man named Job who lived in Uz. He was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.” He had seven sons and three daughters. He owned “7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, and 500 female donkeys” and a big household. He was the greatest man in the East. His children were always partying. Job would often pray for them. He also had them sanctified in case they had sinned against God.

Job was a wealthy and godly man—the greatest man in the East. Unfortunately, his children were not godly at all. They used their father’s wealth to feast and party. Thus, Job would make absolution for any sins they might have committed. What Job did for his children reflected God’s love for us, too. He gave us His Son to die for our sins.

Like any father, he could not determine or dictate how his children behave and live. He can only hope and pray that they will turn up well just like Job was doing for his children. But do you pray for your children regularly like Job? Do you bring them up to fear God instead of merely to be good in their studies? Do you send them to church, Sunday school classes, or fellowship groups where they can learn to love and fear God? If you have not, would you reconsider doing so?

In verses 6- 12 – One day the angels of God were before God when the fallen angel arrived in their midst. God asked him where he came from. He said he came back from traveling back and forth on earth. God asked, “If he was considering his servant Job as there was none like him, blameless and upright and feared Him who turned away from evil?” Satan answered that Job did not fear God for nothing. He said that Job did it for His blessings and protection. If God was to be calamities, would he not curse Him? So, God said that everything Job has, he can have power over them, but he must not kill them. Satan then went out of God’s presence.

These verses answer the question: “Why do good men suffer?” Good men suffer because evil men will do whatever they want without asking you. The dilemma here is why did God permit Satan to do what he did to Job. Is God using us like chess pieces in the challenge Satan has with Him? Whether it is or not, sin will cause evil men to harm and hurt others for any reason they have whether we like it or not. Thus, we cannot stop anyone from harming or hurting us. As godliness is a good choice.

We like to shift the blame to others. In this case, the “blame” can be shifted to God for allowing Satan to harm Job even though He did not allow him to take Job’s life. So, Satan took the lives of Job’s children instead. James said God is good. James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” So, God is not the one to be blamed.

Satan was the one. He did evil to Job by taking his children, not God. Satan and sinful men will always find loopholes to go around God’s will to do as they please. God desires to preserve our lives not destroy it, but our sin has already destroyed them. So, He sent His Son to die for our sins so that we might have eternal life even after our physical death.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the eternal life we have in Christ Jesus. Help us to live a godly life while we are still alive and to raise up godly children who walk in your ways.