12/05/2023, FridayLeviticus 10:12-20

God is holy and mercy

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 10


As we read from Lev 10:1-11, Aaron had just lost two of his elder sons, Nadab and Abihu due to their disobedience to God in offering unauthorized fire. Despite that, God spoke to Aaron, affirming him and his generations of their duties God has entrusted to them. Yes, Aaron might think that he has failed both as the priest and the father, but God affirmed him that God had not changed His mind about His election.

In verse 12-15, Moses asked the priests to consume the food that was portioned out for them from the offerings. They were to take the grain offering and eat it unleavened beside the altar. They were to take the thigh and breast meat from the peace offering and eat in in a clean place, after they have done a wave offering before the Lord. Moses, as commanded by the Lord, tells Aaron that this will be their dues given by the Lord forever. It was an important instruction to let Aaron and his descendants know that God is faithful and even though the first offering had not gone according to what pleased Him. God did not take away what was their dues.

Moses, who was probably concerned about defiling against God’s temple, was diligently ensuring that all the steps of the offerings were done accordingly to what was instructed of them. To his horror, he realized that Eleazar and Ithamar (and Aaron) had not eaten the sin offering in the place of the sanctuary as commanded by him. Moses was upset and probably afraid of the consequences made due to the non-compliance again. This was when Aaron, as the head of the priests, stepped in to intervene and explained their reason for the non-compliance. Aaron explained that the entire sin and burnt offering were done according to what was commanded of them. They had faithfully discharged their duties according to what God commanded of them.

However, Aaron reminded Moses that he had lost his two sons and they were in great anguish, grief and sorrow. It was no laughing matter to them, even though they had performed their first glorious sacrificial duties on behalf of the nation. Aaron reminded Moses, “If I had eaten the sin offering today, would the Lord have approved?” He was reminding Moses of Deuteronomy 12:7 that in the house of worship when they offer their sacrifices and after that feast with a cheerful heart. He also probably reminded Moses of Deuteronomy 26:14 that they ought not eat holy things in their mourning. It was appropriate for Aaron not to eat this offering in this situation and Moses too was convinced.

Here is a tender moment, Aaron was the priest called by God to discharge his duties, and he was not allowed to mourn for his sons because he stood by God’s holy order. He understood that obedience was a greater call than his personal lost. However, Aaron was still the father to his lost sons and he needed time to grief and heal. In the whole event, God continues to be merciful to affirm Aaron, and gave him the necessary space to grief and heal.

Dear brothers and sisters, God is holy and mercy. These are two sides of the same coin. God is holy, and does not condone sin. He judges. But because of his mercy, in the midst of the death sentence, he gave his son, Jesus to die on our behalf of our sins. It would have been easier to wipe us out and restart again, like how it would have been easier to remove Aaron from the office out of His holiness, but in His love and mercy, He gave us an avenue to reconcile to Him. We give thanks for God is holy and mercy.

Pray: God, thank you for you are holy and merciful to us. Less we forget your grace and your works on gethsemane and calvary. Help us to be faithful as you are faithful. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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