11/05/2023, ThursdayLeviticus 10 : 1-11

God’s Holiness, Man’s Fallenness

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 10


If we were to read Chapter 10 out of context, we would not be able to understand the weight of the violation committed by Nadab and Abihu. Nadab and Abihu may have had many good reasons for doing what they did under the circumstance, but it was certainly not good enough to prevent their sudden death by divine judgement.

What is the context that we should understand. Leviticus 9:23-24 tells us that the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people in the form of fire coming down to consume the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar. No sooner had God taken up residence and lit the altar fire, the very next verse in Leviticus 10:1 reports the violation by Nadab and Abihu. The sanctuary system, where God’s Presence being essential for the well-being of the nation, was threatened just as it had gotten off ground. What makes it worse is the privilege that Nadab and Abihu holds as the oldest sons of Aaron – their position of religious leadership was just behind Moses and Aaron.

Moses’ speech to Aaron in verse 3 is a reminder that God is Holy. God will show Himself to be Holy through those who are near Him –priests who approach the Lord to sacrifice to him – and it could be through their cooperation or through punishing them, as is in this instance. Either way He will be showed holy and He will be glorified. Nothing that distorts God’s Holiness will be allowed. Further, to prevent further misrepresentation of God and loss of life, Aaron and his surviving sons were commanded to abstain from mourning in the usual ways. Mourning would be construed as sympathy for the sinners, and as priests who belonged to God, they needed to show solidarity with His holiness.

Nonetheless, God did not withdraw His presence from the sanctuary or invalidate the sacrifices for the community despite the actions of Nadab and Abihu violating the trust given to them. In God’s mercy and grace, He kept His covenant going despite men’s fallenness.

What Nadab and Abihu had done was certainly not behaviour expected of men who had experienced God, and who held important positions. However, this was a pattern of sin that had bee running through Scripture. Adam and Eve sinned despite the beautiful world that God had given them. Noah sinned despite experiencing God’s protection through the flood, and the establishing of a covenant. The Israelites had been brought out of slavery but turned to idolatry as Moses was in the mountain to receive instructions for a tabernacle. Man’s pattern of sin and fallenness continues till today. How many have we seen fallen to the temptation of money, sex, and power, despite knowing God so intimately. How many times have we fallen away from God after experiencing a spiritual high?

Man are fallen but God is Holy. He maintains His Holiness while constantly providing men with a way out. The message throughout the bible is that of God persisting in his redemption plan, reaching out to men through different channels to reveal Himself and to bring salvation to men. Thank God for holding on to the covenant, and for providing us a way to receive salvation and to access Him. May we be willing to turn away from our sins and turn toward God. May we be willing to lead holy lives, as God desires us to.

Prayer : Dear Lord, help me to constantly turn my eyes upon you, and to turn away from the sins in my life. Help me to be set apart for you, and to lead a holy life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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