10/05/2023, WednesdayLeviticus 9

Manifestation of God’s Glory

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 9


In the previous chapter, God commanded Moses to consecrate Aaron and his sons for the priesthood of Israel for seven days (8:33). The last verse of Chapter 8 says, “Aaron and his sons did all the things that the Lord commanded by Moses.”

Chapter 9 describes for us the beginning of the priestly ministry of Aaron and his sons. Verse 1 continues and tells us what happened on the eighth day. It was an important day that set the tone of spiritual leadership because the consecration was also for the elders besides Aaron and his sons.

Through Moses God wanted the entire leadership of Israel to be consecrate to serve Him, and thus setting the example for all the people of Israel to serve Him. There was a spirit of followership and discipleship at this level of the spiritual leadership in the chosen priests and elders.

Verses 2-4 describe a string of 4 different kinds of offerings that could be rather confusing to New Testament Gentile believers like us. These include the sin offering, burnt offering, peace offerings and grain offering. The details of these offerings are described in the earlier chapters (1-4). A major takeaway is that the priest, being not sinless himself, had to made offerings for himself first before making the same offerings for the people. (vv. 8, 15)

The purpose of consecration and offerings during this special day is to prepare themselves to meet the Lord as he had promised.

So the whole congregation of Israel drew near and prepared themselves before the Lord to meet Him. (v. 5) They believed that the Lord would manifest Himself as He promised and waited in anticipation.

After Aaron had offered the offerings on behalf of himself and the people, Moses was waiting for him. Then they came out to meet the people and blessed them. And all the people saw the glory of the Lord!

“… and the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people.” (v. 23)

It was in the form of fire coming down from the Lord to consume the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar. What a manifestation of God’s glory as a sign of God’s acceptance of Aaron’s offering on behalf of himself and the people.

If the culture of holiness and observance of God’s law and regulations are properly adhered to and followed, like in this chapter, when the priests know what they are supposed to be doing and acting, then God would be pleased to manifest Himself and His glory.

As New Testament believers, we learn that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Great High Priest who had offered the perfect sacrifice for us, once for all (Hebrews 9:26; 10:10) so that we might be able to enter into the inner sanctuary, into the very presence of God. Let us remember to always thank God for His Son, Jesus who came to be the mediator and offering for our sins.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I can never thank you enough of what you have done, in sending your only beloved Son to die on the cross for my sin, so that I might be redeemed and reconciled to you – through His blood, and that my fellowship with you might be restored. Help me not take for granted this access into your presence but to treasure each time I enter the pleasure and presence of the Lord. In Christ’s name. Amen!

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