28/01/2023, SaturdayExodus 27

Meeting God

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 27


In verses 1-8, Moses was given the specifications to build God an altar to burn offerings as God showed him on the mountain. It was to be made of acacia wood with horns on all four corners carved from one piece of wood and overlaid with bronze. The utensils used for burnt offerings were made of bronze. The grating was made and placed midway between the top and bottom of the hollow boxed structure with poles and rings made for carrying the Ark.

In verses 9-19, God wanted Moses to build a courtyard to the specifications He gave. It was divided into two sections. At the center of the western half was the Holy of Holies. The altar of the burnt offerings was at the center of the eastern half. They were made of bronze and silver with different colored linens needed.

The oil for the lampstand was to be provided by the worshippers made from olives (verses 20-21). The lamp was left burning in the evening and only to be extinguished in the morning. Aaron and his sons were to keep it lit always and extinguish the light. It was the duty of his sons from one generation to another.

The tent of meeting was not meant as a place for God’s people to meet for the worship of God, but it was the place where God meets His people. The church is also the place where God meets us and not a place to go and meet God too. The high priest goes in once a year to do his duty. John the Baptist’s father, Zechariah met God in this sacred place when he was doing his priestly duty.

God took special care of the detail of how His people were to worship Him in the tabernacle designed and built according to His specifications. Even the furniture in the temple was specified by Him. The high priest was appointed by Him to enter His presence to make atonement for our sins. Christ our High Priest had once-for-all atoned for our sins. The curtain was torn into two as He made it possible for us to enter God’s presence at any time without any high priest to mediate for us.

God took such meticulous care to make it possible for us to come into His presence. Do we then take the same meticulous care when we come to worship each week on Sunday? Are those serving God, especially those in the worship service, serious about what they do too? As worshippers, do we prepare ourselves when we come to worship Him? We must not take the worship of God for granted and so carefreely or carelessly.

My Prayer: “Lord, I revere You as my God and I will worship You alone!”

Great Job!You're right on track.