27/01/2023, FridayExodus 26

God is in the details

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 26


We know from Chapter 25 that the tabernacle was the place where God’s presence dwell among His people (25:8), and it described the artifacts that were placed in the tabernacle, namely the Ark, the Table and the Lampstand. In Chapter 26, God revealed the detailed construction of the tabernacle.

Verses 1 to 14 described the coverings of the tent made of four layers of fabric, linen & scarlet yarn, goat hair, ram skin, and finally an external covering of hides of sea cows over it. The materials were chosen by God with intent. Linen and scarlet yarn were refined and soft materials for the interior and hides of sea cow was a strong and weather proof material as the external covering.

Verses 15 to 29 described the structure of the tabernacle made of acacia wood. Acacia wood was a readily available and extremely strong wood they could have access to during Israel’s stay in the wilderness. The design of the frame was made by God with intent. God had designed the tent structure to be modular so that they could pack and unpack the tent readily to move in the wilderness. Modularity was already a thing even before Ikea made it popular.

Then in verse 30, God instructed the people to “set up the tabernacle according to the plan shown to you on the mountains”. God was the architect of His own dwelling place and He told the people to follow the intention of the construction.

There was a dictum by Mies van der Rohe, a renown 20th century architect. He said that ‘God is in the details’. He meant that while people were only paying attention to big things, it was important to pay attention to the small things, because details matter. Indeed, in this passage, we can literally see God paying attention in the small details of His dwelling place, from the selection of the fabric all the way down to the material chosen for the joinery of the frame.

Dear brothers and sisters, our big God pays attention to small things. It is so with the tabernacle, and it is the same with us. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 3 that our body is the temple of God and the Holy Spirit dwells in us. If God is in the details of the building of a tent that was only temporary, how much more will God be interested inbuilding our lives for His glory?

There are some who think that the great and almighty God is not interested in the small and insignificant man, but that is not true! The bible tells us that we are not forgotten and even the hairs of our head is numbered by God. He values, and pays attention to, every detail of His creation. He gave Christ, His only begotten son, in exchange for us, his beloved creation. Don’t fall into the lie that God does not care about his creation or that we were a mistake to be born into this world, because nothing is by chance. We are beautifully and wonderfully made by Him. So do this exercise this morning as you read this devotion, find a mirror, look into it and say this to God as an act of praise unto Him.

Dear God, I am beautiful (or handsome) because you made me and your creation is perfect. I will not look down on your creation, and I will strive to walk today to bring glory to your name. Will you help me not to belittle your creation, or to believe in the lies of the belittlement of others. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.