29/01/2023, SundayExodus 28

The High Priest’s Garment

Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 28


This entire chapter talks about the design of the high priest’s garment. What is the purpose of this garment? God said that it is for glory and beauty. Whose glory and beauty? Of course, it is for the person that wears it. For who to see? It is for the Israelites, the priest himself and God. For the Israelites because they got to respect and love this man who represents them before God and God before them. As for himself, it is because he has to understand that he is loved by God and respected by men. He holds heavy responsibility between God and men. Finally, it is to remind God that this man represents His beautiful creation and is entrusted with great responsibility. So the garment is not just material; it also helps one present himself properly to everyone. It reflects his innermost love and respect while meeting God. I wonder if the way we dress on Sunday reflects our attitude towards God and worship. Does it reflect our heart of worship?

The other thing that captured my curiosity is the names of the 12 tribes engraved on the garment twice. First, it was inscribed on the shoulder pieces, six on each side. Second, it was engraved on the precious stone installed on the breastpiece. Why? I suppose God wanted the priest to know that he has the whole nation on his shoulder and he should have the people at his heart. He is to love and care for the whole nation of God and is responsible for their well-being. As a pastor, I feel the importance of holding God’s nation in my heart and shoulder. As for the rest of us, if we believe in the priesthood of all believers, we ought to feel the same burden.

May God richly bless you in Him.

Great Job!You're right on track.