30/01/2023, MondayExodus 29

Consecrated for Holy Service

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 29


This chapter has the first mention on the procedure of “ordination” in the Bible. It is about the ordination of Aaron and his sons. God gave very clear, step-by-step instruction to Moses for the consecration (or ordination) of his older brother, Aaron and his sons.

The purpose of the consecration is for them to serve as priests to minister to the LORD in the tabernacle. (29:1,44; 28:1, 41) The Aaronic priesthood was to be a lasting priesthood that would be passed down to his descendants. (v. 9)

As I read this chapter, it brings me back to the time of my ordination in my mother church many years ago. I still vividly remember the gist of what I said at my ordination: “Reverend to be Relevant.”Well, the difference is that I am not a descendant of the priestly line of Aaron but a believer in the new covenant of God in Christ Jesus.

Many of you might not be a pastor or have been “ordained” for ministry in your area of calling. However, this does not mean that your calling is any lesser in value or importance for the body of Christ. The New Testament teaches the “priesthood of all believers.” (1 Peter 2:9-10) Every one of us is called into the body of Christ and gifted with at least a spiritual gift (1 Peter 4:10) to serve the church for its spiritual growth.

One lesson I learn is, regardless of whether you are ordained or not, what the Lord requires of us is to be “holy” and “sanctified” for his use.

Here we see indications of the need for “sanctification” in the consecration of Aaron and his sons for the priesthood: “rams without blemish,” (v. 1) “unleavened bread, unleavened cakes … and unleavened wafers,” (v. 2)“wash them with water,” (v. 4) and the elaborate procedure that Aaron and his sons went through in offering the sin offering, food offering and wave offering. (vv. 10-25)

This reminds me of what Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:20-21,

Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honourable use, some for dishonourable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.

May I encourage you in this new year 2023, to walk close to the Lord, seek to live a sanctified life and allow yourselves to be honourable and useful instruments of the Lord in build up his church here and elsewhere.

Another lesson I learned is about the passing on of one’s spiritual legacy. Aaron and his sons were to pass on the priesthood to their descendants. In today’s context, there are some pastors’ children who might be called to continue the ministry of their parents. However, as I ponder about pastors’ children who had gone on to follow their parents’ footsteps into full time pastoral ministry, I think there is a need for caution.

It should not be to fulfill the wishes and desires of one’s parents, but rather to answer the calling of the Lord. In this way, the children of these pastors will have a ministry in their own “right and calling,” rather than to rely on the popularity and a “handed down” ministry. I am not saying that this will never be the case. Rather, it should be from one’s own spiritual journey and calling by the Lord Himself. May the Lord continue to teach us lessons and applications from the reading and devotion of His word.

Dear God and Heavenly Father, thank you that you did not only save us, but also blessed us with your indwelling Holy Spirit through whom we are empowered to live worthily for you. Help us to serve you faithfully and be useful vessels to proclaim your manifold riches and grace to others. In Christ’s name. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.