08/02/2023, WednesdayExodus 38

Manpower and Resources for God’s Kingdom

Rev. Dr. Jerry Goh

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 38


Here is a description of the altar of burnt offering that Moses commissioned Bezalel the son of Uri from the tribe of Judah to make. (v.22) He was assisted by Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach from the tribe of Dan, who is skilled in engraving, design and embroidery.

Bezalel and Oholiab are mentioned in two earlier passages of Exodus. (31:1-11; 35:30-35) God clearly said that it was He who called them into the ministry, filled them with His Spirit, and made them skilful for designing, craftsmanship, weaving, furniture making, masonry and building. They were the leaders of all the craftsmen to build the tabernacle, the ark, the altar, the court and all the utensils used for worship and offerings.

Ithamar, the youngest son of Aaron, a priest was put in charge of the responsibility of the Levites. Most likely, he was also had the overall supervision of all the materials used for the building the tabernacle. (v. 21)

In the first half of this chapter, we read that Moses made (or built) the altar, the bronze basin and the court in obedience to the instructions the Lord gave him in an earlier chapter (Chapter 30).

And the second part of the chapter gives us a record of the quantity of precious metals used for the construction of the tabernacle. (vv. 21-31). It is interesting to note that three precious metals were used in the building of the tabernacle: gold, silver and bronze.

The precious metal of gold was used for the construction of the sanctuary. They were from the offering of the people. (v. 24) The precious metal of silver used for casting the bases of the sanctuary and the bases of the veil (vv. 25-27) and to make hooks for the pillars.

Besides gold and silver, the other important metal was bronze, used for making many things. Bronze being a stronger metal was used for making items that were foundational such as the strong bases, pegs and anchors of the tabernacle and the court. Different metals were appropriately used for different purposes. These precious metals were the offerings of the congregation to build the tabernacle and court. (vv. 24, 25 and 29)

This passage reminds me that the resources for doing God’s ministry and the building of God’s church come from the members of the church. As Moses and the leaders obeyed God in building the tabernacle, the people were also taught and motivated to participate by their offerings to the Lord.

Another lesson is, even though the Bible mentioned repeatedly that Moses made the things of the tabernacle and the court and the utensils, he was not making them by himself. He was helped by many other people, including the priest Ithamar, Aaron’s son, the supervisors and leaders of the craftsmen Bezalel and Oholiab, and the many craftsmen who actually built the tabernacle.

Finally, the utilization of the metals for the building of the tabernacle were clearly recorded in detail. This is an example of a good practice in accountability of the offerings and contributions by the leaders to the members and congregation of the people of Israel. It is an example for good church governance.

Dear God, our Heavenly Father who initiates, instructs and calls us to serve you in building your kingdom, and to put in the necessary infrastructure and resources for the growth and development of your church and ministry. Thank you for the willingness of heart in your people to contribute their gifts and resources, and for the people who are gifted to participate actively in the many ministries in your church. May you continue to give us wisdom and help us serve you and your church. Amen!

Great Job!You're right on track.