09/02/2023, ThursdayExodus 39

Obedience and Blessings

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 39


In today’s reading of Exodus 39, the priestly garments were described in great detail, and made with accuracy. These garments were fashioned as the Lord commanded Moses, with the phrase “as the Lord commanded Moses” repeated seven times between verses 1-31. These priestly garments were no ordinary clothes, they were clothes of service, they were for the priests to do service in. They were to be worn for ministering in the sanctuary, so that as the priest represented before the Lord, he may be a presented familiarly before God.

With the completion of the priestly garment, the work on the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, was completed, as the Lord commanded Moses (repeated an eighth time in verse 32). In the brief summary of the completion of the tabernacle, it was indicated that they had completed it piece by piece, according to the pattern shown them, there was no part in variation and no part that was in defect. And when the tabernacle was brought before Moses, when all things were approved by his judgment, he did not praise them. Instead, he prayed for them, and blessed them, not so much for the work done, but because of the evidence of their obedience.

In ordinary work, we would have expected wages for work completed, accordingly to the hours we have put in. But with the completion of the work of the tabernacle, the honour and comfort of God’s tabernacle, God’s presence, among the Israelites would be recompense enough. This blessing in the name of the Lord, and the presence of the Lord amongst their midst, was wages enough for all their work.

Obedience is a constant drumbeat throughout this chapter. The hand that gave the instructions, also guided them in completing the works. All the Israelites needed to do was to follow the instructions that had been given, and they enjoy fully the presence of the Lord and the blessings from Him.

Dear brothers and sisters, many times we wonder why we do not feel the presence of the Lord or that we do not encounter Him. Have we instead wondered if we had been obedient to His will, and followed Him closely? Let us start by knowing our Lord and having a relationship with Him. May we seek Him daily through the reading of His Word, and through prayer, so that we may know Him and be able to obey Him fully. Dear brothers and sisters, may you be blessed as you draw close to God and abide in Him.

Dear Father, help me to draw close to you each day, to understand your Word, to worship you, and to be obedient to you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.