10/02/2023, FridayExodus 40

God is with us

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 40


We come to the final chapter of Exodus and by this chapter, all the preparation works of the tabernacle had been completed. God then instructed Moses and the people to erect the tent of meeting on the first day of the first month in a specific order from the inner most court to the outer court. Then Moses was to consecrate everything within the tent, from furniture to people, with oil to set them apart for God alone.

Verse 16 to 33 tells us that Moses dideverything, according to all that the Lord commanded. This phrase was repeated 8 times in this chapter alone and at least 17 times from chapter 36 to 40. Campbell Morgan reminds us that Divine works must be done according divine patterns, and most strictly in divine ways. God desires for man to trust and obey Him, and yet there is a perpetual temptation to the mind of a man to improve upon a Divine plan, almost as if we think we will do a better job that the Almighty and All knowing Divine God.

When Moses completed the works of erecting the tabernacle, the bible tells us that the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. (v34) The cloud of God was above the tabernacle by day, and fire was over it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout the journey. God’s presence lived among His people. This fulfilled God’s promise to His people in 29:46, that the people of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them.

Dear brothers and sisters, the book of Exodus did not conclude in chapter 14 where God brought the people out of Egypt and end their yoke of slavery. The book of Exodus concluded with the fulfilment of the promise that God will be with them, even in the midst of the wilderness! True exodus is not just a physical liberation from the bondage of slavery or from whatever kind of pain and suffering. True liberation comes when we realise that even in the midst of human suffering, God’s presence of peace, hope and love continue to dwell among us.

There was a conversation with a friend on why Hell is a terrifying place. Many would comment that hell is a scary because people would be tormented by a fire that never quenches and the pain will repeat itself day after day without stopping. While it’s true, I think it is not complete. Hell is a terrifying place because it would be a place where we cannot find the presence of God among us. The pain will repeat itself, and you will never find salvation because God will not be there to save you. It will be a place of complete darkness, and while you yearn for light every day, you find no sliver of hope, comfort and peace in the presence of God. True exodus comes when we enjoy God presence, even in the midst of wilderness.

When Christ came in the form of a man on the day of Christmas on earth, the Word became flesh and dwell among us. His presence brings peace, hope and love to whoever believes in Him. He who believes in Him will not have to suffer in the terrifying place called Hell, but be with God in His presence in eternal Heaven.

For some of you who might be in the wilderness now, whether fighting physical illnesses like cancer, coping with mental illnesses like depression, managing the emotions of loss, frustration and anger, or any form of wilderness known only to you, my encouragement to us is that we are really not alone in them. Christ desires for us to come into His presence and dwell in Him, to enjoy the goodness and grace that only He can offer. Would you? Come!

Prayer: Dear God, in our wilderness, thank you for being amidst us. You dwell among the people of Israel through the tent of meeting, and you continue to dwell among us through Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for being with us, never leave us, never forsaken us. Lord, help us to come daily in your presence and to learn continually live a life of obedience. Thank you Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.