01/05/2023, MondayLeviticus 1

A Pleasing Aroma

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Leviticus 1


Leviticus continues the story of Israel’s journey from being slaves in Egypt to being God’s holy people in the Promised Land of Canaan. Therefore, while most of the book of Leviticus consists of various rituals, beginning with instructions for sacrificial rituals to be performed, it is essentially God’s desire for His people to be holy, and God graciously providing a way for His people to live in His presence. Hence, understanding the rituals allow His people to interact with His divine holiness, and is core to living holy lives as His people return to the heart of worship.

It is with this background that we enter into the book of Leviticus.

Chapter 1 tells us about voluntary burnt offerings offered by individuals. Leviticus 1:9 tells us that the overall goal of the burn offering is to provide a gift of pleasing aroma to the Lord. God does not need to eat the food that His people had burnt and offered. But as an aroma that is lifted to the Lord, a burnt offering done properly and in the right place, gives God pleasure. Therefore, it is through these rituals of offerings that the Israelites could enjoy an interaction with God. They could come to the Tent of Meeting (v1, 3, 5) and give a token food gift to God, and receive His gracious response of expiation, allowing the worshipper to make atonements for his/her sin, and to be reconciled with God.

Dear brothers and sisters, since we do not engage in the ritual of a burnt offering today, how do we interact with, and worship God? Hebrews 10:19-22 tells us that we have confidence to draw near to God because of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. He has made it possible for us to be reconciled with God and to be able to commune with Him. We enter in a relationship with God through our admission of Jesus Christ as Saviour, we proclaim our faith publicly through baptism, and we remember what Christ has done through the partaking of the Lord’s Supper. These express a real change in us, and the establishment of a relationship that brings about tremendous transformation in our lives.

Additionally, dear brothers and sisters, as we engage in different procedures of worship, these processes, procedures and rituals, should not be carried out mindlessly as though they are without meaning. Our worship is not a party, performance, or parade, but a worship unto our Lord. The procedures and rituals of worship help to shape our attitudes towards God. Do you understand the meaning of the different procedures or rituals during worship? Would you take time to understand the procedures and rituals of worship, so that our hearts may be transformed by the true meaning of worship? May our worship unto God be a pleasing aroma, as we offer up our time, talents, and service, and as we come before Him to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Prayer: Dear Lord, as we offer to you our money, time, talents, and lives, as we worship you in your Holy presence, may these be a pleasing aroma unto you. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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