25/02/2024, Sunday1 Samuel 25 : 1 - 44

Act Wisely Not Rashly

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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In verses 1-13, Israel mourned for Samuel after he died. David moved near to Nabal’s territory. Nabal was a wealthy man with many goats and sheep. His wife, Abigail was a smart and beautiful woman. David sent men to ask Nabal for some provisions for his men as they safeguarded his shepherds and sheep during shearing time. Nabal refused. David’s men returned to tell David. David was angry and ordered 400 men to go with him to destroy Nabal and all the males in his household leaving 300 men as guards of their supplies. Did David have the right to attack Nabal for refusing his request? No, as there was no agreement between them to guard his properties. But David thought he had the right and expected to be repaid for his goodwill. So, he reacted hastily. We must not react in haste, but we must respond wisely and in a godly manner not angrily or pridefully.

In verses 14-22 – The servants told Abigail about what Nabal did. She took 200 loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five dressed sheep, five seahs of roasted grain, 100 cakes of raisins, and 200 cakes of pressed figs, and loaded them on donkeys. She asked the servants to go ahead and followed behind without telling Nabal. She met David along the way. He was still angry and telling his men how he would repay Nabal and leave no men alive before sunrise. God allows things to happen because of man's stubborn pride. But no man can thwart God’s plan and will. He intervenes to make things right and stop His servant from sinning. God also at times allows man to sin and to bear the consequences of his sin. In Nabal’s case, he died for refusing to lend a helping hand to David. We cannot understand the sovereign will and ways of God. But we must be sensitive to God’s leading and help those in need.

In verses 23-35 - Abigail bowed before David and asked for forgiveness for her husband’s foolishness. Nabal’s name means foolish. She apologized for not seeing David’s men when they came or else this would not have happened. Now God has sent her to David and prevented him from destroying his enemies like Nabal. Let the gifts she has brought be acceptable for Nabal’s mistake. She blessed David and hoped David would remember how God used her to stop this bloodshed or else Nabal would not have any descendants. David accepted her gifts and asked her to return home.

God used Abigail to protect David from killing innocent men and women needlessly. As a wife, she was a good helper to Nabal by saving the lives of all the males in his house. May we act wisely like Abigail and not foolishly like Nabal.

In verses 36-44 - Nabal was drunk when she came home. She waited till the morning to tell him after he became sober. When Nabal heard, he had a “heart attack” and died ten days later. David heard and sent for Abigail to become his wife. His other wife was Ahinoam of Jezreel. Saul’s daughter, Michal was given to Platiel from Gallim when he fled from Saul. God is the Judge. We must not take His place. He will protect and vindicate for us and judge those who malign us. Abigail was married to a fool but after his death, she married God’s anointed one. God protects, vindicates, and rewards those who trust in Him.

Prayer : Lord, teach me not to react but to act wisely and in a godly manner instead of foolishly and in an ungodly way. I will let You be the Judge and not be my own judge. May my faith lies in You instead in own wisdom and strength.

Great Job!You're right on track.