12/10/2024, Saturday2 Chronicles 6 : 12 - 42

Be Intercessors !

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch6


In verses 12-19, Solomon worshipped God in the house He was called to build for Him. The Israelites were present as he acknowledged there is only one true God, the covenant-keeping God who showed His love to those who walk faithfully and sincerely before Him with all their heart. He asked God to fulfill His promise to David, his father, and listen to his prayers.

In verses 18-23, Solomon asked God to forgive their sins. First, in verses 22-23, any person who sinned against his neighbor should be judged accordingly but forgive the righteous and reward him accordingly. Then in verses 24-25, if they were defeated by their enemy because of their sins but they had repented he asked God to forgive them.

In verses 26-27, he also asked God to hear their prayer during times of famine and drought when they repent of their sins. In verses 28-31, in such times of pestilence, plagues of insects, or any siege by their enemies, and whatever plagues and sickness there were, to hear their prayers and forgive them so they may fear Him and walk in His ways in the land He gave to their fathers.

In verses 32-33, if a foreigner who is not an Israelite, prays to Him in His house, hear his prayer too so all may know and fear Him like His people did. And all may know that this is the house of God that he built for Him. In verses 34-40, if His people engaged in a battle with their enemies, pray to Him facing the city where His house was built, he asked God to hear their prayers. Give them success in the cause they were sent to do.

In verses 36-39, if they sin and anger God and they are taken captive to a faraway land by an enemy, and they repent of their sins in captivity and pray in the direction of where the temple of God was built, he asked God to forgive them.

Solomon the king of Israel acted as a “priest” by intervening for his subjects in intercessory prayers. The difference between him and other kings or priests was the dual role that Jesus also held, but the difference with Jesus is He could forgive our sins. Solomon cannot but the blood of Jesus covers all of our past, present, and future sins.

As disciples of Jesus Christ and leaders of the church, we must not just lead His people alone. We must also be intercessors as Solomon was, by praying to the Lord to forgive our sins even the sins we may not have committed. We must intercede for those we shepherd and lead. We are to pray to God to hear our prayers and forgive our sins.

Solomon ended his prayer in verses 40-42 like this, “Now, O my God, let your eyes be open and your ears attentive to the prayer of this place. And now arise, O LORD God, and go to your resting place, you and the ark of your might. Let your priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and let your saints rejoice in your goodness. O LORD God, do not turn away the face of your anointed one! Remember your steadfast love for David your servant.”

Prayer: The covenant-keeping God and the only true God, hear our prayers as we intercede for one another. Forgive us for our sins and the things we have done wrongly or wickedly in the past, present, and future. We believe that the blood of Jesus can cover all of our sins, past, present, and future and we are cleansed and forgiven by You.

Great Job!You're right on track.