11/10/2024, Friday2 Chronicles 5 : 2 - 6 : 11

God with us !

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch5, Click here to read Ch6


After about seven years, King Solomon completed the building of the Temple, and he filled it up with all the treasures his father, King David had dedicated. Before the dedication of the Temple, King Solomon assembled all the elders, heads of the tribes, and leaders to bring up the ark of the covenant of the Lord. The ark was the single most sacred object associated with the Mosaic tabernacle. It was a symbol of God’s presence in the midst of His people and His power among the nations. This move was such an important move that the sacrifices could not be counted or numbered (5:6). As the ark was set in place, a song was raised in praise, the refrains familiar till today, “For He is good, For His steadfast love endures forever” (5:13). 

At this point, the house of the Lord, the Temple was filled with a cloud – the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. God’s presence was with the Israelites in the Temple. This demonstrates that God is pleased with the Temple, and His presence has moved from the Tabernacle, to now in the Temple. However, it was not the physical building that was important, it was God’s presence that mattered. 

As Solomon recounted the history to which the Temple was built, it pointed towards a fact that God Himself chose for the Temple to be built, so that He could be amongst His people. God chose Jerusalem to be the city, and also the actual site of the Temple (6:6), God chose David to be King over the Israelites (6:6), God chose Solomon to build the temple (6:9). Not only so, throughout the narratives of the Old Testament, God had chosen to make himself known, whether it was through a burning bush, a pillar of cloud, the tabernacle or the Temple. These were sacred spaces in which people encountered God, where God’s presence restored the possibility of intimate fellowship with His people. 

And for us in the new covenant, we, too, are able to enjoy this intimate fellowship with God, because Jesus Christ, who came in flesh, is Immanuel, God with us. In Him, we have fellowship with God, in Him, we are in the everlasting presence of our God. This sacred space that God holds with us through Jesus Christ was bought at a price. May we glorify God with dedicated treasures, may we glorify God with ourselves as living sacrifices, may we glorify God in praise, may we glorify God by being in His presence. 

Prayer : Dear Father, praise Your name, from whom all blessings flow. Praise You for You are good. Praise You for Your great love. Thank you for saving me, thank you for Your presence, thank you that I may draw near to you through Jesus Christ. Amen.

You may wish to use the following worship song to respond to God: “New Doxology”

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