15/10/2024, Tuesday2 Chronicles 9 : 1-12

All Credit Goes to God

Rev. Dr. Casey Lok

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch9


Sheba is located at the south-east of Jerusalem and it corresponds to present day Yemen at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. The queen’s visit to King Solomon of Israel was one indication that he had gained immense wealth through his diplomatic ties with the surrounding nations during his reign and he had already developed flourishing trade routes connecting Egypt, Arabia, Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. What she had heard about Solomon before her visit and what she personally encountered during her visit informs the readers that it was not by the capability of the king himself but more so, these blessings came from Yahweh whom Solomon believed and followed.

Before her visit in verses 1-4 explain, the queen of Sheba had heard so much about the wisdom and the accomplishments that Solomon had made. She was so filled with curiosity and had so many questions that she wanted to ask Solomon. This passage describes how the queen had all her questions answered when she visited. The phrase in v4, “there was no more breath in her” is an expression to describe that what she personally saw with her own eyes during her visit went beyond what she had heard with her own ears before her arrival.

Verses 5-8 narrate the words that she spoke to Solomon concerning how she felt about her discovery during her visit to Jerusalem. She told Solomon that she did not believe the report about him and his wisdom before she came. What she heard and saw for herself could not match up to what she had not believed beforehand. What is more amazing to the readers like us is that as a pagan ruler, she attributed Solomon’s accomplishment to Yahweh, the God whom Solomon believed. In verse 8, she articulates thrice that it was Solomon’s God, Yahweh who blessed Solomon. And she especially highlighted these two attributes of Yahweh - His justice and righteousness.

Verse 9 then describes how the queen was moved to also contribute further to Solomon’s wealth and the construction of his nation by giving him more precious stones and spices that were so rare in those days. And in return, verse 12 tells us that Solomon blessed her and gave her what she asked for that she did not have. In so doing, Solomon further strengthened his diplomatic ties with Sheba and thereby, expanded his powerful influence with the surrounding nations.

Though Solomon had increased his wealth and wisdom in ways beyond any man’s imagination, it was truly remarkable that foreign people like the queen of Sheba could attribute and gave credit to Yahweh instead of heaping praises on the human leader alone. Dear brothers and sisters, take a moment now to reflect how and what God has blessed you in your life - your family, your children, your work and so on. Regardless of whether you feel that they can be small and insignificant things; or God has indeed blessed you beyond what you could ever imagine – do you or have you intentionally given credit to God for all that you have received? Do the people around you know that you are a follower of Jesus? Have they heard you personally give credit to God for all these good things in your life?

Prayer : Dear God, I want to give thanks to you for all the blessings that you have given me in my life - my family, my children, my work, my health and so on (tell God in detail how He has blessed you). Help me to speak and articulate to people around me in my life that these are not of my own doing but all these are blessings that come from you. I return all honor and glory to you. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.