22/07/2024, Monday2 Kings 8 : 1 - 15

Make Wise Choices

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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Verses 1-6 - Elisha warned the woman (whose son's life he restored) that there would be a famine in Israel that would last seven years. So, she took her family to live in Philistia. After the famine, she returned to appeal to the king for her property to be returned to her. God sovereignly arranged for Gehazi to tell the king about the great things Elisha did when she came to appeal. Gehazi told the king about the woman. The king then asked his officer to restore everything to her including the income earned from them. 

God showed favor to the woman first through Elisha who informed her about the famine. Then, He used Gehazi to inform the king of her story, so the king gave her back her property including the income earned from it while she was away. Not forgetting, God gave her son’s life back to her. We see how God provided for her abundantly just as Jesus promised to bless us abundantly. But do we see God’s hand at work in blessing us or are just seeking He would bless us like Ben-Hadad the king of Aram in the verses below?

Verses 7-15 – Ben-Hadad king of Aram heard Elisha came to Damascus. He sent Hazael with a gift to Elisha to ask about his recovery from his illness. Hazael brought forty camel-loads of the finest wares as gifts to Elisha. He told Elisha that the king would like to know if he would recover. Elisha said he would live but would still die. Elisha also told Hazael what God showed him what Hazael would do after he became the king. He would burn the strongholds of Israel and kill the young men, children, and pregnant women. Hazael said it was not possible as he was only a servant. He told Ben-Hadad what Elisha said but left out the part about him becoming king. The next day, he smothered the king of Aram to death. God revealed to Elisha how Hazael would kill the Israelites after killing Ben-Hadad to become the king of Aram. But Elisha did not stop or harm Hazael despite what he knew. It is very tempting to take matters into our own hands. It is also easy to accept God’s will when it benefits us but not when it does not suit us. We would even try to help God speed up his plan as Hazael did. God already said the king would die eventually. Are we like Elisha who submitted to God’s will or like Hazael who speeded up God’s plan for himself? 

Verses 16-29 – In the fifth year of Joram son of Ahab, the king of Israel Jehosphat's son, Jehoram became king of Judah. He was evil like Ahab and married Ahab's daughter. But God did not destroy Judah because of His covenant with David. During Jehoram’s reign, Edom rebelled and was constantly at war with him. After he died, his son Ahaziah became king. His mother was Athaliah the granddaughter of Omri king of Israel. He did evil like Ahab. He married a member of Ahab’s family. Ahaziah allied with Joram to fight against Hazael king of Aram. Joram was wounded and Ahaziah visited him in Jezreel where was recovering. 

The kings of Israel followed Ahab instead of God. But God was faithful to the descendants of David because of His promise to David. Ahaziah was influenced by Joram because of his alliance with him to fight against the Arameans. This is a reminder for us to choose our friends carefully. Friends can either bring us closer to God or further away from Him. 

Prayer : Dear Lord, I pray that You would guide me to follow those who fear You. Those who speak God’s word to us instead of those who speak and do evil against You. Help me to choose friends who fear and love You instead of those who do not fear You. 

Great Job!You're right on track.