17/09/2023, SundayDeuteronomy 23

Reverence for God and Respect for Each Other

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 23


In the first part of this chapter, verses 1-14 Moses gave them the laws regarding the worshippers’ reverence for God. There are several categories that are excluded from the assembly of the Lord. In verse 1, the man whose male organ is cut off either as a eunuch or by accident or a child born outside of marriage is also forbidden. In verses 3-8, three groups of people, the Ammonite, Moabite, and Edomite for various reasons cited in these few verses,

“Purity” is very stringent under this law. It extended to them even when they were at war in verses 9-14. Soldiers must avoid contact with anything or anyone who is unclean. If anyone in the camp has a nocturnal emission, he must stay outside the camp. He is only allowed back into the camp in the evening but after he has taken a bath before allowing to come back into the camp. The outhouse (toilet) must be situated outside the camp and keep it undefiled. It must be kept pure at all times so God can come and give them victory over their enemies.

In verses 15-25, Moses gave them other miscellaneous laws regarding the respect of one another. They deal with different individuals in different circumstances. The first is with a slave who had run away from his master to seek asylum from you. You must not hand him over to his master but let him choose wherever he wants to go and not wrong him (vs. 15-16).

In verses 17-18, no Israelite women or men are allowed to become cult prostitutes. What they gained from as a male or female prostitute cannot be brought to God as payment for any vows they had undertaken. The money would be considered an abomination to Him because of how they earned them. In verses 19-20, No one could charge his brother interest for a loan they took from him, but he can charge a foreigner for a loan they give to the foreigner. God will bless you when you enter the land of the foreigners.

In verses 21-23, the law regarding the taking of vows made to God. The vows must be quickly fulfilled, or you can be guilty of sin if you do not fulfill them. The safest way not to sin against God is not to make any vows. If you make a vow, you must be diligent to fulfil it quickly as well.

In verses 24-25, If you go into a vineyard belonging to someone else, you are allowed to eat as many grapes as you like, but you cannot pack them (“Tabao”) to bring them home. In the same way, you may pluck the ears of grain with your hand, but you are not allowed to use a sickle to harvest them.

Behind all the laws, it is founded in the command of loving God and loving one’s neighbor as ourselves. For it is the love of God that will refrain us from committing and living in sin but keep us holy as God is holy. The love of our neighbors will refrain us from hurting or harming our neighbors but respecting them and their belongings. Thus, are we restraining ourselves when we are being tempted to sin against God and men? If we are, we need to check whether we are loving God with all our being and loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Reflection and Prayer: Lord Jesus, please put the fear and love of God in my heart as well as the love of men in my heart too so that I may not sin against you or hurt my neighbor in any way. For as a disciple, I must draw all men to You as they will see that we are His disciples by the love we have for one another. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.