19/09/2023, TuesdayDeuteronomy 25

Show Concern to the Vulnerable

Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Deuteronomy 25


This chapter is full of miscellaneous laws. It starts by teaching the reader how we should handle a dispute between two men. Of course, when one is found guilty, he has to be punished. Yet, there are two things the text taught us to take note of. Firstly, the punishment has to be carried out before the judge. The judge's responsibility is not just in the decision process alone but also in the implementation. Secondly, the punishment is not to cause a brother to feel degraded.

We notice that God put much effort into protecting even those in the wrong. He is especially concerned that the individual does not lose his self-worth even when punished. Then, v4 tells us not to muzzle an ox when treading out the grain. God's concern is not limited to humans alone. God's concern is extended even towards animals. Even animals must not be deprived of food while they work.

Then Moses talked about Levirate Marriage. The younger brother will marry the sister-in-law if the older brother dies without a child, so their eldest son may inherit the older brother's estate. If the younger brother refuses, the sister-in-law may take action against him. The above law is to protect the widow and the estate of the dead and not to cause obligation. In the modern world, women enjoy much more freedom, and the passing on of estate is not as important. Thus, the law is losing its relevance. Otherwise, this law is like all the above laws, meant to protect the weak and vulnerable.

Next, Moses talked about the probable consequence of having a hand cut when a woman helps her husband in a fight. Obviously, the law is asking women to keep out of all male disputes. Many disputes became more complicated when bystanders, especially wives, were involved.

In the final law, Moses told Israelites not to keep two weighing scales. The simple interpretation of that is to do honest business. Perhaps in this modern time, keeping two scales is no longer possible, but people still keep two books to escape taxes. Whatever dishonesty you take is equally wrong; the scripture says God hates such actions.

Reflecting on all the above, God is telling us to be honest and show concern to all those who are weak and needy. Keep yourself out of disputes and keep problems small. We are living in a sinful world. Thus, it is impractical to expect perfection even with the new Israelites' kingdom that God is to establish. What we can do is show more care and keep problems small. Be sincere and honest in all our business dealings. Lives shall be a lot more liveable if we keep all these principles.

Prayer : God, teach us to build a righteous kingdom on earth as you have commanded. May our Church be the salt and light of this world. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.