29/10/2023, SundayJoshua 21

Cities for Levi.

Ps. Lam Yuen Foong

Passage of the day

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The allocation of lands to the eleven tribes was an internal agreement among the Israelites. Much of those lands were not cleared, and thus, the tribe allocated to the land was responsible for clearing them.

The Levites were to be “salt and light” among their fellow Israelites. They were to be teachers of the law. To achieve this function effectively, they had to live scattered throughout the land among the other tribes.

Since they lived among other tribes, they did not need to clear their lands. Thus, they were not allocated any land earlier.

Only when the land allocation for the other 11 tribes was settled would they be allocated lands. Thus, they went to Joshua, Eleazar and the heads of the tribes, demanding their entitlement.

The 3 Levites clans: Kohath, Gershon and Merari were further divided into 4 groups by breaking Kohath into 2 groups. The descendants of Aaron were in one group, and the rest of the Kohath were in another group. Then, every three tribes would provide land to each group. Since half of the Manassehites lived on the east bank of the Jordan River, it was perceived as two half-tribes in this arrangement.

One quick look at the above, one would feel it to be unfair as Kohath would be given more land. We see land as an asset; having more land would mean greater wealth. However, when the land was plentiful, having more land would mean greater responsibility. The Levis got to spread so thin to minister to people everywhere. So, those with greater ability would have greater responsibility.

The above concept should also be used in missions today. We need more Christians grounded in God’s words to live among the unreached personnel. Pray that more people are called to the ministry.

Pray : Lord, teach us what it means to extend your kingdom. Please help us to be willing when we are called. Thank you, Lord! In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray, Amen.

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