31/10/2023, TuesdayJoshua 23

Look back, look in, look up, look forward

Sis. Charity Wong

Passage of the day

Click here to read Scripture 


For the Israelites, this is “A long time afterward..” and Joshua is now old with not much time left. He gathers his leaders to encourage and exhort them. He reminds them that “the Lord your God has fought for you just as He promised”. From marching round the city of Jericho to their defeat and victory of Ai, from splitting the Jordan to the standing still of the sun and moon, apart from the countless victories, God has also fulfilled His promises to them and their forefathers. The Israelites have been allocated their inheritance in the promised land. Not one word has failed, all have come to pass and have been fulfilled for them.

As God has called Joshua in Chapter 1:7 to be strong and be careful to do according to the law, Joshua now calls the Israelites to do the same, but exceedingly so. He warns them that as every single word that the Lord promised Israel was fulfilled, the consequence of not obeying will also be fulfilled if they turn away and depart from His law.

For us who are following this MCDD series, it has been just 22 days since we read about Joshua starting to lead the Israelites in chapter 1. How many instances of God’s mercy and steadfastness to the Israelites and Joshua can you recall? In our own lives, how many instances of God‘s mercy and grace can we remember?

After looking back and remembering, let us look down at our present to see if we are clinging to God, and being strong, and careful to obey and love Him. As humans, we all fall short of the glory of God and when we do, let us look up and ask God for forgiveness, turn back and cling to Him once more.

I often think of how blessed we are to be living in the 21st century, because with the bible, we have a few thousand extra years of God’s faithfulness to His people in the bible to look back upon as compared to the Israelites then. We can read about prophecies in the Old Testament being fulfilled in the New Testament and even see New Testament prophecies being fulfilled in our time!

Knowing God’s immutability looking at the past and the present encourages and gives us strength to look forward and hold fast towards things yet to come. To cling onto the hope, promises and every word of God.

Prayer: Our Heavenly Father of yesterday, today and surely tomorrow, give us strength to cling to keep your commands and cling to you, guard our hearts that we may love you all of our days. Help us remember your goodness and faithfulness and trust in your words and promises which will never fade away. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.