08/07/2023, SaturdayNumbers 12

Serving God Well

Ps. Liu Yimei

Passage of the day

Click here to read Numbers 12


The spiritual attacks received by people in spiritual leadership comes in different forms. In Numbers 11, we have just read about how Moses was upset because the Israelites were grumbling about food. Here in Numbers 12, it is sibling rivalry where Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses. And it was not just sibling rivalry, but a disunity amongst the leadership.

Moses, Aaron, and Miriam are a team leading the nation of Israel. God had used Miriam to save Moses’ life (Exodus 2:1-10), and she also led the Jewish women in praising God. Aaron was appointed by God, not only to assist Moses when they had to confront Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt, but also as the high priest, serving God with his family. All the Israelites knew Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, but Moses was the leader.

Here, however, Miriam and Aaron were annoyed at Moses’ non-Israelite wife but this seems to be only the façade to a deeper grievance. The real complaint came in verse 2 – They questioned if Moses was the only spokesperson for God? Didn’t Miriam and Aaron also have the right to declare God’s Word? By lowering him a notch or three through criticism, they attempt to bring him down to their status. Additionally, in questioning Moses’ authority and God’s will, Miriam and Aaron were acting just like the people of Israel!

While Moses did not defend himself, or try to vindicate himself, the Lord took a decisive action, summoning a family conference at the Tent of Meeting (verse 4). God had heard their words, and seen the evil motives in their hearts, and took action to prevent this sin from spreading from the leadership to amongst the people. Interestingly, in verse 4, the order of the names are also reversed from the order of the names in verse 1. Not only is God stopping sin from spreading to the people, He is also reminding the three of them that Moses is first in the leadership – the was the chosen leader for Israel and nobody could take his place. In “answering” Miriam’s accusations, God was also reminding them that it was He who gave Moses his position and authority, and it was sinful for Miriam to challenge her brother.

Therefore, judgement was pronounced on Miriam. Although Moses interceded for her and God heard his prayer, Miriam still had to remain outside the camp for seven days, bringing delay to the whole camp.

Indeed, leadership is a serious matter. God had appointed leaders amongst us to lead us, not just in spiritual matters, but also in many other areas. As leaders, we have to take our positions seriously – the greater the honour, the greater the responsibility. We have to be conscientious to fulfil what God had entrusted us to do, to lead His people well, and to be humble before Him. We have to work in unity with the leadership team, so that we may support one another in our service to the Lord. At the same time, for those of us who are not in any leadership positions, we have to submit to our leadership, so that we may be able to move in the direction that they are leading us. We have to pray for our leaders, that they may lead with joy, and in submission to our Lord.

May we all be playing our parts well, so that we may serve the Lord together as a church!

Prayer: Dear Father, help us to submit to your authority, to serve you wholeheartedly, and in unity with our brothers and sisters. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.