08/01/2023, SundayExodus 8

The Stubbornness of Unbelief

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Exodus 8


A week after the first plague, God struck the Egyptians with a second plague. The foolish magicians of Egypt were able to conjure up frogs instead of getting rid of them, they added more to the mix. Pharoah summoned Moses and Aaron to get rid of the frogs and promised to let them go. Moses asked Pharaoh to set the time. Foolishly, Pharaoh chose the next day instead of immediately. Moses prayed and the frogs were gone, but Pharaoh hardened his heart and did not keep his promise.

So, God told Moses to have Aaron strike the ground with his staff to bring the third plague of the gnats. It affected both the people and the animals. The magicians could not do what Aaron did and concluded it was the work of God, but Pharaoh hardened his heart because he did not believe the magicians. Thus, a fourth plague was unleashed on them. The fourth plague was unique as it came with a warning first. Pharaoh was warned that it will be an attack on the Egyptians and their animals only, not the Israelites. The timing of it was also made known to him, “Tomorrow.”

Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and told them that they can make sacrifices to their God but here in Egypt. Moses said they cannot do so as it would be detestable to God and the people would stone him. But they must travel three days into the desert to make them just as God commanded. Pharaoh said they can do it in the desert but they must not go too far. He asked Moses to pray for him and Moses said he will after he leaves, and the flies will be gone tomorrow. He warned Pharaoh not to lie to them. Moses left and prayed. God answered his prayers. But Pharaoh hardened his heart and did not let them go again.

The display of God’s power through the plagues did not change Pharaoh’s heart. Nothing even miracles can change a person’s heart or his mind about God or will believe in Him. Afflictions also cannot change anyone’s heart or mind as we see they did not change the heart of Pharaoh. Man in his sinfulness is stubborn and rebellious and will not trust in God, He will reject Him even when all evidence points to Him as the One who is behind the power and the miracles.

Unbelief is a problem for both believers and unbelievers. It causes unbelievers to close all their faculties instead of opening them up to the possibility of the existence of God. It makes it impossible for them to believe in God even if He appears in person before them. For believers, it can cause us to remain untransformed even after becoming a believer because sanctification requires faith to believe in God’s transforming power in our lives. My prayer: “Lord, if we have any unbelief in my heart, I want to be like this child’s father and I ask Jesus, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

Great Job!You're right on track.