07/09/2024, Saturday1 Chronicles 13

The Pitfalls of Good Intentions

Ps. Joseph Tang

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch 13


Each year, sea turtles swim to shore to lay their eggs. When the eggs hatch, baby turtles struggle to reach the water. Well-meaning people sometimes try to help by carrying them to the ocean, but this can actually harm the turtles. The journey from nest to sea is crucial for their orientation and muscle development. Skipping this natural process can hinder their survival, turning good intentions into unintended harm.

This concept mirrors a key lesson in1 Chronicles 13. The Ark of God was the centrepiece of worship in the Temple of Israel, signifying the presence of God among His people (Exodus 25:22). It was both a symbol of God's throne and a vessel for the Law and is referred to as “footstool of our God” in 1 Chronicles 28:2. The Ark was neglected during Saul's reign, and this was part of the reason why Israel turned away from God during his reign. The people did not “inquire” God as they should have.

In 1 Chronicles 13, David called upon the people of Israel to retrieve the Ark of God from Kirjath Jearim. Verses 1 through 6 show that David and the Israelites meticulously planned every detail and worked diligently to ensure the smooth return of the Ark, including logistics, transportation, and worship arrangements. However, they made the serious mistake of using a newly constructed ox cart to transport the Ark, contrary to God's instructions.

When they reached the harvest field at Kidron, the ox stumbled and Uzzah instinctively reached for the Ark. This action was a serious violation, for only authorized Levites were allowed to touch the Ark. The wrath of God came down on Uzzah and he was struck dead on the spot.

The Israelites made thorough preparations for the transportation of the Ark of God, but in their preoccupation with human effort, they neglected to follow God's clear instructions. They may have forgotten that the ultimate goal was to serve God, not just to accomplish the task.

The passage in 1 Chronicles 13 emphasizes the importance of doing God's will. While David and the Israelites were eager to welcome back the Ark, they neglected the rules God had established for handling it. Though their motives were well-meant, this neglect had serious consequences. This reminds us that good intentions are not enough in serving the Lord; we must follow God's teaching.

This reflection serves as a reminder to regularly assess our motives and priorities, ensuring that our ministries are not merely driven by human ambition or tradition, but by a genuine desire to glorify God and serve according to His purposes. By keeping God at the centre, we can ensure that our work bears fruit that lasts and truly honours Him.

Prayer : Dear Father, we recognize that even with good intentions, we can stumble if we don't seek your guidance. Like David and the Israelites, we sometimes act without fully surrendering to your will. Help us to keep Christ at the centre of all we do and to walk in obedience to your word. May our service bear fruit that glorifies your name. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.