11/09/2024, Wednesday1 Chronicles 17 : 1 - 15

The Davidic Covenant

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

Click here to read Ch17


This chapter describes how God, in His favor, granted David the promise of an everlasting throne, in his desire to build Him a house, but Solomon his son would build it instead. This prophetically declares His promise of the Messianic kingdom of His Son Jesus Christ.

Verses 1-2 –David was uneasy that while he lived in a house of Cedar, God still lived in a tent. So, he told Nathan the prophet that he desires to build God a house. Nathan told him to do as he liked since God was with him.

Verses 3-12 – However, God spoke to the prophet in a vision. He told Nathan to tell David that he would not be the one to build Him a house. He has been living in a tent since the day He brought Israel up. Wherever they went, He had never asked any of the judges to build Him a house before.

He told Nathan to tell David that He had taken him from being a shepherd boy to being the king of Israel. He had protected him wherever he went from his enemies. He will make him famous and appoint a place for His people to dwell peacefully without being harmed by the wicked like before. He would declare for him to build a house after his time is up, and raise his offspring to build Him a house and establish his throne forever.

In verses 13-15 – This was what He told Nathan to tell David, “I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me, and son. I will not take my steadfast love from him, as I took it from him who was before you, but I will confirm him in my house and in my kingdom forever, and his throne shall be established forever.” Nathan told David what God had said in the vision.

In verse 11, God said He would raise David’s offspring and establish his throne forever. It seems to be alluding to Solomon as he was the one who built the temple. But in verse 13, God seemed to be referring to someone else in the phrase “who was before you.” The offspring was someone who came before David. It seems then to be alluding to God’s Son Jesus Christ who was from the tribe of Judah, particularly the kingly line of David. If this is so, the covenant God made with David was more than a promise to establish his throne forever, it was a promise that the Messiah would come from David’s line.

If this was referring to the earthly throne, why isn’t David’s throne still in existence? But if it is talking about establishing the throne of the Messianic King, it was fulfilled. Jesus had come and died for our sins. He has resurrected and ascended to heaven. God the Father had seated Him at His right hand and established His throne in heaven. He will return in the Second Coming to establish His kingdom here on the new earth and reign forever. This is the Christian hope. This hope was given in the Davidic Covenant which was fulfilled by the Son of God. We are waiting for the promise to be realized upon His return!

Praise God for He is a covenant-keeping God. His promises are not empty, but they are fulfilled and will be fulfilled according to His time. Therefore, we do not have to worry about building anything for Him as He is the One who will establish His Kingdom at Christ’s Second Coming. He has appointed a place for us to dwell peacefully without sin harming us.

Prayer: Lord, strengthen my faith and keep me hopeful to live for You while waiting for Christ to return. In Jesus’s name. I pray.

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