31/01/2024, Wednesday1 Samuel 2:1-11

The Gift of Our Worship

Rev. Adrian Lim

Passage of the day

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Hannah went to the temple to worship God after she had weaned her child. She offered a song of praise as her prayer of thanksgiving to God for exalting her from her barrenness. Throughout her prayer, the Lord is acknowledged as the source of all her help from answering here prayer by giving her son and taking away her shame as a barren woman. She now could boast before her enemies of God's deliverance of her shame.

She praises God as the Deliverer and Provider by declaring that no one is as holy as Him, the Rock of her life. The One who knows and judges our words and deeds. So, none can speak arrogantly as He defeats and humbles her enemies. He is the One who feeds the hungry gives to the barren woman many children. He raises up the dead. The One who makes the poor and the rich and lifts up the needy and make them seat with the princes, and in places of honour.

She praises God as the Sovereign Creator and Protector by declaring that He is the One who laid earth's foundation and sets the world on it. He protects His faithful servants and silences the wicked. A person prevails because of His strength, but those who oppose Him, will be humbled. He judges from heaven and to the ends of the earth. The One who strengthens His king and exalt the horn of His anointed.

After Hannah had worshipped, she went home to Ramah with Elkanah but she left Samuel to minister before the Lord under Eli the priest as she promised.Hannah praised God for answering her prayer and gave her Samuel for a son to break the shame and torment she suffered. Just as God was her Deliverer, Jesus is our Deliverer as well. Likewise, we must praise our God and put our trust in Him just as Hannah did by what she did, giving her son, Samuel back to serve Him as she promised.

It is not easy to give the thing we most desired back to anyone even God. Can we give ourselves back to Him after He gave Himself to die for us? Can we be like Hannah? We may have made many promises to God and to man too, but how many of them have we kept? Can we be like Hannah too? The worship of God is not just to have our prayers answered or our desires met, but it is the giving of ourselves and our desires to Him in complete surrender by faith.

Prayer : Am I able to give freely back to the Lord when He so freely give of Himself to me?

Great Job!You're right on track.