18/11/2023, SaturdayJudges 17

Do what is right in the eyes of God, not ours

Ps. Benjamin Yeo

Passage of the day

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Everyone did what was right in his own eyes (v6). This was the summary of the spiritual condition in the times of Judges. There were a lot of spiritual confusion, and they assumed that whatever they did, as long as it was for “God”, it was pleasing in the eyes of the Lord. The narrative of the household of Micah in Judges 17 was an example of the deteriorating spiritual condition of Israel in their time.

Firstly, Micah has stolen 1,100 pieces of silver from his mother, but his mother blessed him because he returned the money to her. 1,100 pieces of silver was a huge amount of money considering that the yearly wage of a priest was only ten pieces of silver, and yet, it felt like Micah’s mother felt like there was not any need to discipline her own child for his wrongdoing.

Secondly, she celebrated the “restoration” and dedicated 200 pieces of silver to create an image to worship the Lord. It was clear to the people of Israel in the ten commandments that

they must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. (Exodus 20:4)

Thirdly, even though Micah was not a Levite, he had a “house of worship”, made an ephod and household gods, and ordained one of his sons as his priest. God was very clear to Israel that only the tribe of Levi were allowed to draw near to the holy things in the temple of God. (Numbers 8:19)

If you think this was only happening to the household of Micah, verse 7 tells us of a young Levite from Bethlehem who came to Ephraim and agreed to be a priest in the house of Micah. Even those in sacred positions have fallen spiritually. He was drawn to the earning of ten pieces of silver a year and a suit of clothes and living. A priest in the temple of God relied on the tithings of the people and not on a fix wage. This Levite was a perfect example of someone who served “God” for what it could give him, instead of serving to glorify Yahweh.

Micah was mistakenly pleased thinking that the Lord will prosper him (13) now that he had a “real” Levitical priest serving in the “house of worship”. Guzik says that “Micah’s confidence was just as false as his consecration was. They (Micah and the Levite) were both based on superstition, not on God’s Word.” There was immense spiritual confusion, and everyone did what was right in his own eyes. We see the downward spiral of the spiritual condition of Israel as they turn further and further away from Yahweh God. As the people of God stop listening the commandments of God, they lost sight of what true worship was. What a shame, they compromised in their act of worship to a point where they no longer know what truly mattered to God.

Dear brothers and sisters, do not pay lip service to God. Instead of wallowing in excuses, take active steps today to know His Word and grow in our obedience to Him. The most common question people often ask is, “What is God’s will for my life in this season?” and we often get disheartened when we do not hear specificity from God. Dear brothers and sisters, God’s will IS revealed through our daily obedience and surrender to His Word. God says love Him with all your heart, mind, strength and soul. God says love your neighbour as yourself (Mark 12:30-32). God calls us to seek ye first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). God calls you to love your enemy (Matthew 5:44). God says in all the work you are doing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing for the Lord (Colossians 3:23-24) God calls husbands to love their wives, and the wives to honour their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-33). God in fact has spoken quite clearly to us, if we pay attention enough to His Word. We do not respond because we think He is not specific in his calling of us as individuals. However, can I say that it is in our daily responses to these kingly commandments that God will direct our lives specifically. Dear brothers and sisters, we must do what is right in the eyes of God, not according to our own wimps and fancy.

Prayer: Dear God, give us grace to follow you and not give in to our own excuses for our half-hearted pursuit for you today. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Great Job!You're right on track.